Fear is a Liar
Almost anyone who knows me is well aware that music holds a very special place in my life. I have a wide range as far as to the type of music that I like. Christian music is currently my number one go genre. There are so many great artists out there. Today I will be writing about ”Fear is a Liar” by Zach Williams
From the moment I first heard it on the radio I was deeply moved.
I have heard those negative words he sings about more times than I can count. I was driving one day last week when it came on the radio and I broke down in tears. The words hit home to me more than ever before in that moment. I am in the process of working on marketing my two Prayer Journals and have been struggling the past few months with feeling inadequate. Feeling like my art isn’t worthy. Wondering why I even bother with my Instagram and a Facebook accounts since the new algorithm only shows our content to 1% of our followers at first before it deems it worthy for the rest of the world to see. I tried boosting one of my posts with my book cover and was told by Instagram and Facebook that my post would be seen by less because it had too much text. So even though I was paying to boost it to 500-1.5k people it really wouldn’t be seen by that many. As a hand lettering artist this was just another slap in the face. Almost all of my pictures are going to have text. It is what I do.
It is so hard not to give in to those voices telling you the exact words Zach uses in Verse 1
When he told you you’re not good enough
When he told you you’re not right
When he told you you’re not strong enough
To put up a good fight
When he told you you’re not worthy
When he told you you’re not loved
When he told you you’re not beautiful
That you’ll never be enough
Zach goes on to tell us in the Chorus
Fear he is a liar
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
Cast your fear in the fire
‘Cause fear he is a liar
I would love to tell you that I am strong enough to not listen to those negative thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis, but that just isn’t the case. I can tell you that through prayer, this song by Zach and great friends I am working on quieting those voices. Someday soon fear won’t have so much control over me. I pray that you too may gain control over your fears and the lies.
If you haven’t heard it I urge to click here to watch the YouTube video. And cast your fears in the fire.
Lyrics provided by http://zachwilliamsmusic.com/