• Supply Saturday-IPad Pro and Apple Pencil

    This is the first in my Supply Saturday posts. I will be sharing with you some of my favorite supplies. From time to time I may also share the ones I didn’t particularly care for and why. For this first installment I was inspired by a comment on my June 24th blog A Little About My Process where Donna asked How do you get all the different thickness lines only having an iPad pen. In your second book the words have a patterns in them. How do you do that? The Apple Pencil is an amazing tool that works in tandem with the Procreate App. Here are a few pictures showing the…

  • A little bit about my process….

    The most popular question I get asked is “How long did it take you to write your book?” For my first book that is an easy answer. It took me well over 300 hours to complete. This is what one particular sketching session looked like   From this point once I had all the sketches inked onto tracing paper, I then scanned them and imported into Illustrator to convert them into vector images. The vector images can then be scaled up or down without becoming pixelated. I then inserted the word images and floral images into each page in Microsoft Publisher. Once that step was completed and all the pages…